Demon light (part 3)

Daimon looked at the now burned pit where the remains of those who fell prey of the chimera were, just to see if there was something else the beast hid in there but it was futile.

Evangeline yawned.

"Why didn't you turn that disgusting thing to dust, it doesn't have any worth for the system?".

Daimon smirked, "It's a bait, if this thing is a guard of the prison, then it doesn't matter, but if it was created by one of the prisoners then… I already found my target".

After saying that he started walking directly to the direction where the river which he saw previously when he landed on the mountain was.

On the way Daimon looked here and there trying to find any signs of living beings, but besides trees there was nothing.

"Well that chimera thing probably eliminated any other magic beasts or persons in the area", he thought.