An agitated morning

At the main campus of the Wild Claw academy, in a mansion near the office of the principal, a silver haired young man was leisurely laying down on a huge bed, surrounded by naked women.

Below him Erin was using her soft and curvy body as a pillow for him, her long fluffy tail was gently wrapped around Daimon's shoulders like a scarf, at both sides Liz and Elaine were each hugging one of his arms, and on top of him Aura and Aisha were each occupying half of his front body as their bed.

After they bathed together Daimon thought the girls would want some love, but to his surprise they just wanted to cuddle together with him.

"Luckily Aura was rather smaller compared to the other girls, or this would have not worked", mumbled Daimon as he caressed Aura's cute wolf ears.

"You still need a spot for me though", said Narasha in her usual relaxed voice.

Even Evangeline participated in this "family" moment.