Man proposes, god disposes and the demon decomposes (part 5)

Now that there was a second flagship available, Daimon for a split of a second thought about giving it to Aisha, but her expression clearly said "I won't be leaving your side", so he gave the option to Calvin and Michael.

"One… two… three!".

"Damn it", with a quick rock paper scissors game, they decided the winner, which in this case was Calvin.

"I'm never listening to the end of this", mumbled Michael, while Calvin and also Loren moved to the other flagship, at the same time, Amber and Jade separated from Scarlet and the others and took each one of the two now empty ships.

With a wave of his hand, Daimon made the last ship he owned, which was the first one he got, appear below the water, making it emerge a couple of seconds later, creating the illusion that the ship has always been waiting below the surface, this time Lapis took control of it.