The caravan (part 2)

The caravan slowly started advancing through the path carved on the ground, maybe because the carriage was being pulled by the flying fishes or because Daimon chose one of the best carriages that were being sold in that noble store, but the travel was really smooth.

Seeing the girls chatting between themselves, Daimon took out his sigil lector and tried sending a message to all of his classmates, but he didn't get an answer from any of them, which probably meant they were in one of the other three seas.

Daimon looked at the crystal that Aura extorted from the Greenwich Sage, which was supposed to not only extend the range of the sigil lector, but also ignore interferences to a certain degree.

'That feeling I had about this thing not working isn't there anymore… but that would mean that Arianna was in the second layer of the magic ruin, from the very beginning?'.