Results of the beast hunt (part 1)

While Daimon's group, the Skelefiends and the pirates were rushing to get to a place where they could contact their respective allies, back at the Warhammer city, the Trident Marshal as well as the other adults had started to find strange that the participants haven't started to return yet.

"Senior Vincent… shouldn't those fellows have started to appear, we are only a few minutes away from the time limit?", asked the patriarch of the Bamboo Forest sect.

Though he didn't specifically mention it, he was getting worried about his daughter, since he knows how meticulous she is.

'That lass doesn't take any unnecessary risk, that's why lady Aurora trusted her to be the best friend of the little princess… she would have normally been here at this point', thought Underwood.

Patriarch Skyfire who was drinking some wine, made some underhanded comments at Underwood.