Quantity vs quality (part 2)

The atmosphere tensed up at the white hill, Skyflame has raised to become well known since his flames evolved, from the basic orange color that fire has to a deep red one, at first people thought he was just playing some tricks to make his fire look more threatening.

The color of an element can be modified with some practice, it's a simple trick that doesn't affect the strength of one's element at all, but there is a second way to make one's element manifest an external change, which is advancing in the comprehension one has over it.

Even here in Neptune where Stellar ranked exist, people have very little knowledge regarding laws, in fact the person that for Daimon seems to have understood how it works the most, isn't even an Arch rank, no, in fact is someone that can't be considered a mage anymore, the teacher of the elite class, Aliya.