Arriving at the bone sea (part 2)

Oblivious to what happened in the black castle, Daimon and the others enjoyed a well-earned night of sleep, with Bell and Sylvie working together to sort out all the pending matters regarding Black Wave.

Soon the sun replaced the moon in the sky and morning came to Neptune, for Daimon waking up and seeing Aisha's pretty sleeping face first thing in the morning was one of his favorite things.

He could have completed his morning routine by enjoying Aisha's soft pretty lips with a kiss, if not for the fact that he could feel the intense gaze of the crazy purple haired girl Sarah, on his back.

Daimon felt a headache coming his way, it's 100% sure that Sarah will be coming with them to the global raid, in fact he wanted her to come, despite the fact that she is a bit annoying, the truth is that she is stronger than Purplehaze.