Sweeping the labyrinth (part 1)

As Daimon and the girls expected, the door at the right led them to a room without traps, but that doesn't mean things were good, because the third room had three doors at its other side.

The doors at the sides were the first ones to open, revealing two of the three enemies that they had to face this time, both goblins and similar to before there was a long range and a close combat type.

But unlike before, the long range type was using a short bow instead of a slingshot, as for the close combat one, instead of a dagger it was short sword.

"Kriii!", there was another difference, the two goblins exchanged some sounds, making it look as if they were having a small conversation before the two split ways, to encircle Daimon's group.

Just like magic beasts, these goblin-like creatures weren't either mages or knights, but their strengths could be classified with the ranks stablished.