Tittle at the bottom

Daimon removed his foot from Adam's neck and then stepped back until he was standing in the middle of Jasmine and Sarah, he wasn't going to do anything, but one can't never be too cautious in general and much less when it comes to system users.

Speaking of which, Daimon was curious as to why that angel girl who is Adam's administrator, hadn't shown up nor talked yet.

'Ariel, what the hell are you waiting, do something!', inwardly screamed Adam, Sarah was many things but kind isn't one of them, she was actually moving the trident ripping Adam's flesh with the prongs, which made Adam scream.

Once again this showed the importance of not relying in pain reducing skills, there is a limit as to how much a skill works, even passives consume energy one way or another, be it mana, vitality or stamina.