Challenges Daimon & Nethereal sisters, Sarah’s version (part 12)

For a moment, the pirate froze where he was standing, the whole sequence of the fight so far, repeated within his mind, how no matter what tricks he used he was bested by the green haired girl who was now blocking his path of retreat.

And he felt utter despair, because if what she said was true, then even after having obtained power directly from the source instead of the king, though it wasn't the largest amount he could have gotten if things happened differently, he never had a chance to win from the very beginning.

As if her anger was finally quelled, Jade's fierce aura changed back to its usual carefree state, not without saying.

"You see, me and my sisters once asked a person whose situation is what you thought mine was, if being like her will make us strong… to which she told us that no matter how high the multiplier might be, if the value of the multiplicand is zero then the final result will still be zero".