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Soft classical music played in the background. Mr.Jonathan, his wife, and little Wendy were on the dance floor dancing softly to the song that was playing.

Rooney and Diana were also on the dance floor in each other's arms dancing slowly in a "hug-and-sway" style with the song being played.

Dexter held out his hand in front of Mary.

"May I have this dance please, Miss Mary?" he asked Mary for a dance and She was slightly startled by the sudden request. She felt reluctant to give in to this stranger.

She finally yielded and slowly brought her hand forward and placed it in his palm.

Dexter gently tugged Mary to the dance floor and both of his hands slithered smoothly to Mary's slender waist making her feel extremely uneasy.

Her shoulders stiffened and her body turned rigid under his touch and she hoped that the song would end quickly.

Dexter gently guided Mary to drape both of her hands on either side of his shoulders and they started dancing, taking slow steady steps, swaying to the thrumming rhythm of the music.

They swayed back and forth with minimal feet movement.

A lot of eyes were on the dancing pair, and one of those eyes was that of Mr. Jonathan's.

He peered at the young man dancing with his daughter and his gaze turned sharp.

"Who is that young man?" he asked his wife, his eyes still pinned on them.

Mrs.Portia followed her husband's line of sight and her eyes fell on a good-looking gentleman dancing with Mary and she returned her gaze to her husband.

"He is the youngest son of Mr. Gordon Clayton, the owner of Clayton's corporation."

"Oh really." he muttered realizing whom his wife was referring."How is he here?"

"I'm well acquainted with Mr.Gordon's wife and I sent her an invitation for Wendy's birthday, and she came with her son."Mrs.Portia stated.

"Hmm" Mr.Jonathan hummed, his eyes intently looking at the young man. The closeness they shared didn't seem to sit well with him and he grimaced.

Another pair of eyes were on the two who were dancing. He just stood at one corner of the room sipping on his drink while his intense gaze remained on them.

Meanwhile, Mary was finding the dance very discomforting and she felt relieved when the song finally ended.

Dexter redrew his hands from her waist and Mary stepped back almost immediately.

"Thanks for the dance, Miss Mary. It was pleasant." He said looking at her and observing her closely.

"You're welcome." Mary responded looking away from him.

Gilbert, the butler brought in the three-layered caramel cream cake on the stroller and caught everyone's attention by saying,

'The cake is ready '

Mary excused herself from Dexter and went to stand next to her family.

Little Wendy blew the lighted candle and made a wish for the second time in the day.

She cut the cake and everyone applauded and cheered.

The cake went around and everyone had a piece of it.

Food and drinks were made available for everyone and the party gradually approached its end.

The guests started leaving one by one and the Evestons thanked them for honoring their invitation and gracing the celebration with their presence.

Mrs.Portia shared a small hug with

Lady Sloane Clayton who was standing next to her son and was getting ready to leave.

"I am so glad you were able to make it to the party. Thank you for honoring the invitation." Mrs.Portia said feeling grateful.

"It was my pleasure" Lady Sloane replied with a smile.

Dexter looked at Mary and said,

"It was nice meeting you, Miss Mary. I'm hoping to see you again soon"

Mary simply nodded her head and gave him a small smile.

"We have to go now" Lady Sloane stated and with that, they left the Eveston residence in their black SUV.

Mrs.Rose came into view and she too was ready to leave with her son.

"I'll be leaving now too," she said.

Mrs.Portia took her hands that felt warm in hers and said,

"Oh Rose, I wish we had more time to catch up on things."

"It's fine. We can meet up sometime and talk, now that you've moved here permanently."Mrs.Rose said.

" Alright then."Mrs.Portia replied and let go of her hands.

"Do send my regards to Joshua." Mr.Jonathan chipped in and Mrs.Rose nodded.

While their parents were still talking, Mary's eyes were locked with Sylvester. They looked at each other silently as if communicating with their eyes, with Mary asking where he had disappeared to, and Sylvester, why she was dancing with that stranger, not that he wasn't.

Mary's heart skipped a beat when Sly's gaze turned sharp and intense. She averted her gaze from him and looked elsewhere.

Mrs. Rose was done talking with Mary's parents and she got ready to head out with her son.

Sylvester glanced at Mary for a fleeting moment before he turned and left.