
"Isiah, I am really relieved that you are now okay. I know you are affected because of your favorite horse' death, but you should not ignore your own health because of a mere horse—"

Elise continue to talk even if she's aware that the other is 99% not going to listen. She sighs. Looking at the young man who keep staring at his food plate, looking dazed and out of mind. Physically there, mentally not.

She glance at the Duke and just shook her head, signaling him to let her do the work.

"Isiah, Isiah, Isiah!"

"...yes?! I'm a bit out of my self, pardon me."

Keifer was stunned when he heard the words that left his lips. Did he just said that? It's so weird! He doesn't speak like that!

"Isiah, dear. You should not neglect your health just for a horse! A horse life is nothing compared tp yours, the heir of the Duke!"

Elise massaged her temple as she helplessly look at the poker faced Isiah. She knows how much Isiah treasure that albino horse but she never knew that it's this extent! He's willing to jeopardize his health just for a horse they could buy again?

"Forgive me. The horse was Father's gift when I turned 7, the horse is also loyal and fast. I love it too much."

Again. Why is his own mouth moving on Its own? He frowned. He's having a head ache. Keifer look at his plate and finish it up in a hurry, he need to be alone right now.

"I'm full. Please let me be for another day, I'll be back to normal in no time."

Keifer completely give up and just let his mouth talk while he wipe his lips and stood up. He nodded to them before marching toward his room. His steps are fast and hurried, making his servant almost ran after him.

He immediately shut the door when he entered, not even giving the servant a chance to enter. The servant sighed and just stood outside the door.

'Voice!! Voice!! where are you? Answer me!'

Keifer shouted in his mind as much as he could. He desperately need answer now.

⟨‹ Soul, what is it? ›⟩

'Why am I here? where is this? what am i doing here?! Why is my mouth moving on its own earlier?'

⟨‹ Don't be scared. I've seen that you're a bit out of your mind and cannot answer properly, so I controlled it yo say the supposed lines. ›⟩

What?What lines? He sat down at the carpeted floor and weakly lean at the bed. He's anxious and nervous. He's going nuts.

'What lines? Why am I here?'

⟨‹ Lines in the novel. You are currently in a novel and you're here by accident. ›⟩

"What?! Novel?..."

Keifer can't help but exclaimed. He's in a novel? What kind of bullshit is that? He almost pulled his hair out of their roots due to frustrations.

⟨‹ Yes, this world is from the novel 'LAMPARAE of Time'. We are truly sorry that we inconvenience you, at this time you should be on your way to the judgement area and not here.›⟩

'Judgement area? W—what? I dead?'

⟨‹ Yes. I tried to pull you out of the body and ship you directly at the reincarnation pool, but the world's will interfered. It probably already listed you as the substitute of the body's owner since it wasn't supposed to die. ›⟩

The what about the owner? Where is he? How can he go back? Can he still go back? Bunch of questions swirled around Keifer's head making him frustrated. He really wants to cry out of frustration but unable to. Glancing at the exquisite painting in the ceiling, he felt a fat drop of tears rolled down to his ears.

⟨‹ Please do not be distressed as we are trying to resolve this. You are not the first case so, the solution has been written and proven. I'm just wa—its here. The method to go back home is...›⟩

"What is it?! Tell me!"

His depressed blood suddenly felt alive. All of his frustration vanish and was replaced by the joy of returning home. Of course the joy is short lived.

⟨‹ you have to finish the body's role. ›⟩

Finish the body's role? He can't go home until then? Keifer felt his strength leave his body.

"What's his role..."

⟨‹ A side character, almost the third male lead. your end die protecting the protagonist's sister ›⟩

He have to die... to go home? Hahahahaha.... Lifelessly standing up, he faced the large window and stride forward. Let's end this shit, right now and then!