Feature Presentation

Ryan looked on as Jenneth went out of The Coffee Club. There was a tinge of regret as he watched her walked out the glass door, like he wants to shout and call her name to stop her, maybe make her come back to them. To him.

But as Jenneth's figure disappeared in his sight, he realized it was better he did not call her back. That he just let her walk away from his life. Maybe this time, it's for forever. Who would have thought that he would be seeing her again after all these years?

"Uncle, this might be the sign!"

He looked at Darlene.

"Aunty Jhing. She might be the way for us to talk to Sam de Vera. Didn't she say she now works in TGH?"

"Forget about Jhing. She will not help us."

"But Uncle, it seems like–"

"I said, she'll not help us. We're not even sure we will meet again." Those last words woke up some bitterness in his heart that he thought had long been gone.

But Darlene seems to not lose hope. "We will see her again, Uncle."

"Darlene, please. I don't want to talk about Jenneth. Let's just go to TDC and we might get late for the movie."

Darlene gazed at Ryan. He kind of realized his tone changed again, due to annoyance not for the kid, but for the fact that talking about Jenneth wakes up various emotions that he does not want to encounter.

"Okay," Darlene just said, obviously saddened.

Ryan wanted to retract what happened, but what could he say? He can't just take back what he said because what would that make him? He might just say words that he should not, as that would reveal how he really feels.

"Just bring your food and finish it while we walk. Or maybe, you can eat it inside the theater. Let's go."

The two of them went out of The Coffee Club and proceeded to the cinema. There was not a line on the ticket booth, so they were able to buy tickets immediately. They also were able to get good seats as there was not a lot of movie goers that time. It was still early, and that movie has been in theaters for more than two weeks already. Probably everyone in town had already seen it.

But as the lights dimmed and the movie started rolling in the large screen in front, Ryan suddenly saw the scenes not from the movie they are watching, but from the real incident that happened to him nine years ago. And his co-star: his ex-girlfriend, Jenneth.

They were at his mother's grave. He was introducing Jenneth to his mother, like she's still there in front of them, living and talking to them.

"Mother, this is Jenneth." Ryan smiled. "I finally found someone who truly understands me. Maybe because we're the same. I guess we were meant to find each other, and so it happened."

He looked at Jenneth, who smiled at him. "I know you can see how beautiful she is, Mother. I just hoped you have met her because I know you'll like her a lot."

Jenneth looked as if she liked what Ryan had said. He liked how she looked at him, making him feel the bliss that his words have caused her. He likes making her happy. It makes him happy knowing she's happy.

Ryan once again looked at his mother's grave. "I promise to be a good boyfriend to her, Mother. I promise to make her happy... I promise not to make the same mistakes that... that father did."

He suddenly felt heavy in his heart. Remembering the circumstances his life has been, why he was born and how he stands in his family, he can't help but feel sad. It was something that he did not choose to be, but it was the role that fate has given to him: to be the child of his father to his mistress.

He felt Jenneth's hand enveloping his. He looked at her, and that kind smile of hers seemed to melt away the sadness he is feeling. It's like that smile could paint the colors to his bleak and dull world.

"I promise to take care of her, to love her and make her happy the way you should have been, Mother," Ryan continued, still looking at Jenneth. "And I'll never hurt her. I'll never break her heart."

But it was a promise he broke when he was given a situation he needed to solve. He broke her heart, made her cry, and it was because of the same thing that his father did to his mother. Rather, it was the same thing that his father did to his wife, by using his mother as his mistress.

"Can we talk?" Jenneth asked him, and he knows she was just trying all her might to act tough. He knows she's not the confrontational type. She's the sweetest and kindest soul he has ever met.

"Spill it," he told her while his arm wrapped around the shoulder of the girl beside him.

"Just the two of us."

He gazed at her, and he knows she's trying her best not to shed a single tear in front of him and his 'mistress.' The thought of that pierced his heart, but he managed to hide it very well with that sneer on his face.

He talked to the girl beside him. "I'll meet you later when we're done."

"Okay," the girl said flirtatiously. She kissed him on the lips, making him shudder inside. Again, Ryan was able to hide it from Jenneth.

When the other girl has gone, Ryan looked at Jenneth again, still with that sneer on his lips.

"Stop it, Ryan."

It was quiet and weak, but it sounded like a gong ringing out on his head. He mustered all he has to act like he is not affected in any way.

"Stop fooling around, will you?"

Now, the tears are starting to form in her eyes. Ryan tried so hard to not crumble and keep the façade he's put up.

"Why would I? I'm enjoying myself very much."

"What do you want?" Her voice started cracking up. "What are you looking for?"

"Something you cannot give me." It was broad, it was vague, but it was the only thing that Ryan could ever think off.

Because the truth is, nothing is lacking with Jenneth. She is everything that he ever wanted. And more.

"What is it?" There is hesitation in Jenneth's demeanor, but she still mentioned what is on her mind. "Sex?"

Ryan was stunned. He didn't realize she could voice out that word to him. Not now, not in this situation.

"You think I could not give it to you?" Jenneth asked.

Ryan tried his best to sound as contemptuous as he can. "Can you?"

The pain in Jenneth's face broke his heart, but Ryan just kept acting out the role he chose to play.

"What makes you think that I can't? You know I can do everything for you."

"You can't even kiss me properly."

Those sweet kisses they shared together. Ryan treasures all of them. Those were the most precious moments in his life. But he has to act like he despises them. All because of the 'plan.'

"You know I don't have experience–"

"I'm tired of making out with someone who doesn't have experience!"

Jenneth was stunned. Ryan wanted to take back his words, but he kept his stand.

"You know I've never done that before. You're my first boy–"

"And I thought it will be okay. I thought I could live with it, but I'm getting tired, Jhing. I want something more in this relationship. I'm also a man. We're not high school or even college students anymore. We're adults and we have needs. Physical needs. Something you cannot satisfy."

Her first teardrop fell. His defense is starting to crumble. If this will drag on, he will totally lose it and surrender.

Good thing Jenneth finally collapsed.

"You're a jerk!"

Her tears, her words and the hurt in her voice all cut through his heart. He's willing to take everything in, thinking it will be for the better.

"You said you will love me and will not hurt me. But what are you doing now? You're breaking my heart! You're breaking... me!"

She cried, and he watched her painfully. His heart is crying with her, getting crushed with every tear and sob and agony she is having.

"I have given you all that I have... all that I can. It still is not enough? You still want more? How greedy are you, Ryan Arcilla! You're a selfish, conceited, horrible person!"

Each word is like a sword that sliced his heart. Maybe he did deserve those words.

"I regret the day I allowed you to enter my world, to capture my heart."

Oh no, not that one, please. Everything is okay for him, except hearing that she regrets loving him. But what could he do? He has started this mess, and now there's now turning back.

"I do not like to see your face again. I don't like you in my life ever again!"

She walked out of the restaurant. As he looked on, Ryan caught sight of the people around whispering while looking at him. He's sure he is the one they are talking about. He doesn't care, for the only thing he cares about right now is the girl who just stormed out of the restaurant telling him to stay away from her life from now on...

Ryan blinked the tears that had formed in his eyes. He heard the laughter of the audience around him. It seems the movie goers had already arrived, and the theater is quite fuller than when they first came in.

The movie is on its comedic part, but Ryan can't even smile as his mood was completely taken over by the memory of the past that suddenly came back to him unintentionally. After nine long years, the pain is still the same. After nine long years, the feelings have never left him.