Do You Dare or Not (1)

All kinds of recipes for delicacies went round and round in Mo Chu's mind. In the end, she could only wipe her saliva with a sorrowful expression. It was better to finish this school competition before anything else!

"Alright, let's continue moving forward!" The sense of achievement of being ranked 10th in a single leap had really inspired these fellows. Each and every one of them was extremely spirited as if they had swallowed a stimulant.

It was also due to their good luck. They had just walked for a while when they discovered another magical beast that was extremely cost-effective. It was only at the middle level of tier 7, but the energy value on its body was very high. However, before they could make a move, a blazing flame suddenly flew out from nowhere and attacked this magical beast!

F*ck! They had actually been robbed of their prey!