Don’t Blacklist Me

"Haha--" As usual, Zuo Lin was refreshing the information on the Starnet. He suddenly burst into laughter when he saw something! "Aiyo, this is so hilarious!"

The unrestrained laughter affected Zhong Wen, who was working at the side. Looking at his friend who collapsed on the chair, Zhong Wen could not help but put his hand on his forehead. "What did you see?"

This guy was laughing like he was having a stroke!

"Quick, take a look! "It was fine if Zhong Wen did not ask, but once he asked Zuo Lin, he became even more enthusiastic. He immediately showed him the information screen on the terminal and shook his head as if it was a matter of fact, "Sigh, nowadays, advertisements are getting more and more serious. They're blowing up the sky!"