Losing Weight

"Aooo--" As soon as it saw Mo Chu, Roundy immediately abandoned its new friend and ran towards Mo Chu!

Without waiting for Mo Chu to reach out, it jumped into Mo Chu's embrace.

"Li li--" I want it too! Little Flying Fox, who was following closely behind, looked at Mo Chu with eager eyes. It could not hide the desire on its face.

Unable to withstand this pitiful attack, Mo Chu was just about to bend down and pick up Little Flying Fox when Roundy, this awkward little fellow, immediately grabbed Mo Chu's hair with its meaty palm. 

This was not the end. Roundy even turned its head and glared at Little Flying Fox. Its usually round and cute eyes emitted a vicious light. Hmph! Go away! Little Chu belongs to me. No one can snatch her from me!