Shameless (1)

Mo Yang was not as lucky as Mo Chu. After jumping out of the sky, he landed directly in the Magical Region and bumped into a tier 6 magical beast -- the Ugly Hunter.

As the name implied, this magical beast looked extremely ugly! Its shriveled face was full of wrinkles, and its two long and narrow eyes were almost invisible. Only a huge nose stood in the middle of its face.

Even in such a sudden situation, Mo Yang's expression was calm. He quickly took off the parachute equipment on his body. During this time, he had been cautiously staring at the Ugly Hunter opposite him, in case it suddenly attacked.

Unexpectedly, the Ugly Hunter saw Mo Yang, and it did not immediately attack. Instead, it stood quietly on the spot, staring at him curiously.

'Eh? Is this guy also my companion? How could he be... so ugly?'