I’ll Look For You Tomorrow (2)

Time passed slowly. Finally, it was time for the program to officially begin.

There were already viewers watching the program on the Starnet in advance. They did not dare to blink, afraid that they would miss out on some of the content.

At the beginning of the program, it was a scene overlooking the desolate scenery of No-man's Land in District 5. Then, the camera focused on the periphery of No-man's Land. A few tiny black dots were faintly discernible as they zoomed in to take a closer look. It was the few people who had participated in the program this time.

After he had finished explaining the rules, Lin Yehong collected everyone's food and tools. For a moment, the expressions of the female celebrities could be described as wonderful. Their faces were at a loss, it was a stark contrast to their usual cold and aloof image!

It made the fans burst into laughter. "Oh my, look at my Goddess Xiaoqi, she has such a cute side! My heart has melted!"