I’ll Look For You Tomorrow (7)

Mo Yang took the initiative to take on the task of washing the dishes and pushed Little Chu into the room. "Alright, I'll do the rest. You should take a good rest first."

Looking at her big brother's determined expression, Mo Chu could not help but feel a warmth in her heart. She smiled and nodded in agreement. "Alright, after you're done cleaning up, you should also take a good rest!"

"Alright, I got it." Seeing Mo Chu walk into the room, Mo Yang smiled and turned around to walk down.

Previously, he had stayed in No-man's Land, so there was no internet signal at all. It was only now that Mo Chu had returned and opened the terminal that he was surprised to discover that there were several video messages in the terminal.

Oh? Who was it?

Mo Chu curiously opened the video and a clear image was projected onto the light screen. Ning Yiyuan's sharp and angular face appeared in the middle of the screen, his beautiful lips slightly parted.