Spirit Food and Medicinal Cuisine (1)

To the majority of the netizens, recently they had nothing to live for!

It was not easy to have a wonderful reality show. They were desperate for more, but the show was also stuck at the most critical point. It was obvious that it made everyone's imagination run wild and they could not sleep at night. Thus, the netizens who felt the ten thousand points of malice decided to go all out.

Often in the middle of the night, they would suddenly start posting all kinds of comments. One by one, the comment towers rose up and almost caused the front page of Qin Entertainment to collapse!

Fortunately, these two days were the time when the Spirit Food Shop was about to open for sale again. All the major netizens had just woken up from their listless state and once again had a new goal.

Everyone, stop sleeping and get high!

It was time to race against time. Whether or not they could snatch the Spirit Food would depend on this one move!