The Shameless Old Man (5)

"I thought you could bring out something good." Alan smiled coldly at Will. The contempt in Alan's tone was almost solid. "If I knew it was this thing, I would have just laid at home and had a good sleep. What a waste of my precious time!"

"Don't worry." Will's expression suddenly became firm, and his eyes were slightly cold. "I believe the next item in the auction will definitely make your trip worthwhile."

"I hope so," Alan replied coldly.

At this moment, Will's second item had been sent up on stage.

The auctioneer, who had always been experienced, felt a little guilty. The first item was really too unexpected. This was completely not the style of the Mike Family, and he wondered... What would the next item be?

In order to ensure the mysteriousness of the item, the auctioneer would only get the information about the item at the last moment. At this moment, he was holding a thin piece of paper. The auctioneer on the stage was a little nervous.