It Was Totally a Blessing (3)

A large wave of infatuated comments instantly appeared in the comments section, causing the mouths of the male citizens of the Federation to twitch.

Was there a need to do this? Isn't it just a smile? My smile is a hundred times more beautiful than his!

The scene continued.

In the light screen, Mo Yang was continuously rubbing the vines with his hands. Very quickly, threads were pulled out of the vines one after another. Seeing this, Mo Chu could not help but feel astonished. After twisting these threads together, they formed a dense cloth. It could be considered the simplest version of the hemostatic gauze.

"Brother, you're really amazing!" It was also at this moment that Mo Chu realized that her understanding of magical plants was not deep enough. There were still many mysteries contained within it, which she needed to explore bit by bit.