Passionate Fans (3)

"Aooo--" Once Roundy returned to Mo Chu's embrace, it immediately changed its appearance. The fur that had stood up became soft, and its small watery eyes stared at Mo Chu. This person is bullying me!

This pitiful appearance caused quite a number of girls to sympathize with her.

"Aiya, the pet in Lucky Star's embrace is really cute!"

"It can't be any cuter!"

"Come, let me give you a hug too?"

Qin Yue wanted to cry, but no tears came out. In this day and age, even a pet's looks were better than his?

However, he soon beamed with joy. He did not know whether it was because he was infected by Roundy's cuteness or because he felt that Qin Yue's appearance was too pitiful, the first girl walked up and placed 100 Federation Coin into the 'box'. With the first girl as an example, the rest of the girls also flocked over. In just 10 minutes, they had gathered almost 1,500 Federation Coins, which was almost twice as much as Mo Yang and the others.