We Must Recruit Him (1)

Feeling as if his reputation had been ruined by his sleeping posture, Qin Yue, who had been in high spirits previously, was now completely dispirited. He continued to mutter along the way, "Lin Yehong, Lin Yehong, you pervert. Why did you take pictures of my sleeping posture... Why?"

As he muttered to himself, he would occasionally cast his gaze on Mo Yang and Almighty Song beside him. His gaze was filled with jealousy and envy. They were all both men, so why did their sleeping posture look so good?

That's right! In order to prove that he was not the only one who made a fool of himself, Qin Yue sneaked into Mo Yang and Almighty Song's room like a thief last night. In the end, he felt like crying even more after what he saw!