Willpower Is More Important Than Anything Else (3)

Many people stared at her in surprise.

"What... What are you all looking at!" Hu Qing panicked at first, and her eyes were a little erratic. Then, she quickly calmed down and shouted at them.

Damn! It was still the same! Seeing Hu Qing like this, the others shrugged. "This is Miss Hu's usual style!"

On the other hand, a girl sitting opposite Hu Qing suddenly frowned and asked curiously, "That's not right. Why aren't you wearing makeup today?"

Although resources were scarce now, Hu Qing was the kind of person who needed to put on a layer of lipstick. Why did she come out without makeup today?

"I..." Hearing this, Hu Qing's movements suddenly stopped, and she unconsciously reached out to pull at the hair that was covering her festering skin. "I... Why do you care about me? I don't feel like wearing makeup today!"

Tch! Hearing this, the girl sitting across from her could not help but roll her eyes. Forget it, her good intentions were for nothing!