Willpower Is More Important Than Anything Else (5)

Although District 12 was backward, due to the special geographical location, the soldiers of District 12 had to fight against magical beasts and magical plants all year round, so their individual qualities were very high. A well-coordinated team could even be compared to the military strength of a platoon from other districts!

Such an off-the-charts combat strength naturally made the other people envious!

However, all the military forces of District 12 were under Ning Yiyuan's control, so no one could get in. This epidemic was a good opportunity. As long as they muddled the waters, they could fish in troubled waters, right?

"Hmm..." Hearing this, song Tiancheng's face suddenly changed. However, he was an old politician after all. His ability to change his face was first-class, and he quickly returned to normal.