She Was Being Auctioned Off (4)

At this moment, Mo Chu did not know how alluring her current appearance was.

Her entire body was lying weakly in the cage. Her snow-white skin, under the shade of the gauze, formed a stark contrast to the pure black carpet beneath her body. She gave off an inexplicable sense of allure. Coupled with her exquisite features, a faint hint of arrogance could be seen on her weak little face. This appearance had aroused the endless desire of these men to conquer her!

In less than ten minutes, the bidding price soared higher and higher. Now, it had already reached 600 million Federation Coins!

"Tsk, tsk." Zhou Yong, who was standing below the stage, could not help but click his tongue. With a faint smile, he clapped his hands. "Not bad! Miss Mo's price has already broken our highest record. Impressive."