Women’s Intuition

The news of Marshal Ning and Mo Chu appearing in pairs immediately exploded on the Military Academy's official website!

There were even people who thoughtfully posted photos of them leaving together.

Under the illumination of the halo, the two of them, one tall and one short, appeared extremely harmonious. Just looking from afar could make people feel warmth in their hearts. Just looking at the screen was not enough. There were even quite a number of people who secretly hid these photos for screenshots!

Thus, by the time Mo Yang received the news in exasperation, Ning Yiyuan, this big-tailed wolf, had already sent Mo Chu back. However, when he saw the intertwined hands of the two and the faint blush on his own girl's face, Mo Yang could not help but feel a pain in his heart. He felt a sense of sadness as if the cabbage that he had painstakingly raised had been eaten by an ugly bandit!