Not Even Close

No! How... How is this possible?

At this moment, the sharp pain in his chest could not stop the shock that surged in Deng Xiao's heart like a tidal wave!

Even though he had lost too much blood and his vision was a little blurry, he could still see that man's determined eyes. Lao Bai had a straight body and not the stiff zombie look. He did not have the zombie's strange pale face either -- he was clearly a normal person!

However, Deng Xiao's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief -- he had seen him mutate with his own eyes! How could he suddenly become normal now? That was impossible!

"Lao Bai?" Lan Wei was also stunned for a moment, but the joy in her eyes was overflowing.

"Yes," Lao Bai curled his lips slightly, but his voice was a little hoarse. "I'm back!"

He did not turn into a zombie. He was alive!

His words were like thunder in everyone's ears!