What Did You Say?!

Half a day ago.

At the base research institute.

The two-story building stood in the most hidden area. All the sophisticated instruments in the room were running quietly. Researchers in white coats came and went, the expression on their faces was as serious and cautious as if it had been carved from a template.

Suddenly, a burst of powerful footsteps sounded in the room, breaking the silence in an instant.

"Where is it?" Xia Chen glanced at the crowd and turned to look at the researcher beside him.

"Master Xia, over here." The researcher wearing a mask walked straight to the second floor. He unlocked three doors before entering a small room with a thermostat in the middle, inside, a transparent test tube was lying quietly.

The researcher stared at the test tube with sparkling eyes. There was less than a milliliter of liquid in the test tube, but it had taken them three whole years of time and effort! It was the latest purified zombie virus!