Taking an Oath (2)

"Awoo --"

Roundy howled with fighting spirit.

At this moment, it had returned to its original form. Its huge body, majestic and domineering power... Just looking at it made people shudder.

The Little Flying Fox's temperament was not bad either. It was on Roundy's left and right, just blocking the way to the main house. The two beasts were staring at Ning Yiyuan who was walking over not far away.

"Oh, not bad!" Looking at the two demonic beasts, Qin Yue nodded with satisfaction. "Oh right, Almighty Song, what did you tell them?"

They actually worked so hard. Look at this, they could probably tear Ning Yiyuan apart with one claw!

"Nothing." Song Qingsong raised his eyebrows casually. "I just told them that this person was prepared to take Little Chu away."

Huh... This is nothing? Qin Yue could not help but suck in a breath of cold air.