It Was Too Scary!

Late at night, in the detention room.

Dong dong --

A few knocks on the door sounded. It was exceptionally clear in the silent night.

"Who... Who is it ?" The inspector on duty yawned a few times in succession. He rubbed his sleepy eyes with all his might before walking out.

On the way, he lowered his head to look at the terminal. Aiya, it was almost 1 am! He was really going to die! Who would come to the inspection bureau so late at night? Was this guy just looking for trouble?

The door of the on-duty office opened.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, the on-duty inspector saw the person clearly and could not help but be stunned. This... wasn't this the director's trusted subordinate, Section Chief Zhang? Why was he here?

Upon seeing the person, the inspector hurriedly shook his head and snapped out of his daze. He said in a low voice with an apologetic smile, "Umm... Section Chief Zhang, is there something wrong?"