A Belly Full of Evil Intentions

Then, unsurprisingly, the people of the Federation and the people of Dark Ocean Galaxy officially started a magnificent 'Battle mode'!

That exchange of words and exchange of words was a battlefield without any smoke.

Almost every second, hundreds of comments would pop up, instantly killing your eyes!

Furthermore, the range of topics covered was extremely wide, and the span of topics was extremely large!

From the beginning, it was 'There's something wrong with the Dark Ocean Galaxy'. It did not take long for the topic to change to 'There's something wrong with the Dark Ocean Galaxy's feng shui'.

Furthermore, the evidence that the people of the Federation said was irrefutable.

Take a look for yourself, our Lucky Star is doing very well in the Federation. It's not a problem even if she meets with misfortune, she averts danger! Why is it that your Dark Ocean Galaxy has such bad luck?

It's all because of your Dark Ocean Galaxy's feng shui!