Mung Bean Cake, Is It Delicious?

Upon returning to the Federation, Mo Chu did not have the time to rest. She threw Roundy in her arms onto the sofa and rushed towards the laboratory that Exalted Chen Bai had descended from.

Perhaps it was because she had returned to her homeland, her mind was bursting with inspiration at this moment. Many ideas were like air bubbles, popping out one after another. Experienced people knew that at this time, they had to strike while the iron was hot. If they were to delay for a while, these ideas would disappear without a trace!

Thus, after saying a few words to them, Mo Chu ran frantically toward the laboratory.

Then, Ning Yiyuan, who had originally wanted to have a good time with his girlfriend, was instantly dumbfounded.


His little wife suddenly turned into a workaholic... what the f*ck?