Still Trying to Get Me to Say Something?

What was even more shocking was that Mo Chu, who was wearing a green dress, was holding a pot of lush potted plants in both of her hands as she slowly walked over from the end.

That exquisite face had a light smile that made people feel as if they were bathed in the spring breeze. The unique aura on her body and the green plants in her hands complemented each other perfectly, exuding an indescribable vitality and comfort...

She did not look as haggard as everyone thought, nor did she put on a pretense. On the contrary, Mo Chu appeared natural and generous, just like before the test.

"Hello, everyone," Mo Chu said with a smile, "Welcome to today's exhibition. There are a total of 68 kinds of plants on display today, and the light screen on each plant has its own detailed explanation. If you have any questions, I can answer them for you."