No Way!

"Owww--" Seeing the bowl that was so clean that it could be used as a mirror, Roundy wailed a few times in grief and anger.

Look at it. It had gone through mountains and rivers to bring these guys out, but in the end, they were still snatching their own delicacies?

Where's its conscience? Where's its moral integrity?

They've all been gnawed away by you guys!

At this moment, Roundy really wanted to cry, but no tears came out. She was extremely sad!

"Haha --" Qin Yue, who had witnessed this scene with his own eyes, could not help but laugh out loud.

Damn it!

Who would have known that little tyrant, Roundy, would suffer like this one day?

Thinking back to the past, other than Mo Chu, who in this group of people had not been bullied by it before? Now, it was time for retribution! It had finally been bullied by someone, and it was even a group attack. It was simply too satisfying!