Her Pupils Suddenly Dilated!

At this moment, she was savoring Dark Ocean Galaxy's specialty red fruit juice.

She had to say, this taste is really not bad!

Mo Chu first took a tentative sip, and then her eyes suddenly lit up!

It was completely different from the taste of the whey. This red fruit juice was slightly intoxicating in its sweet and sour taste. With a slight sip, that mellow and thick taste would immediately conquer your taste buds. Even after a few minutes, the unique fragrance could still linger between one's lips and teeth.

"How is it? Doesn't it taste good?" Elder Lin looked at Mo Chu's expression and could not help but chuckle a few times.

Mo Chu drank more than half a cup in one go and praised him without holding back, "It's delicious!"

Why did she not encounter this red juice back then? Why did she drink that clear milk that was comparable to the bitter taste of traditional Chinese medicine? Damn! She had suffered so much back then!