

The rest of the journey was considered to be a successful one. With Ning Yiyuan taking charge, in less than half a month, they had safely sent the remaining few pots of normal plants to the various star systems, successfully completing the objective of this trip.

In the end, they had just stepped into the territory of the Federation when they received a piece of bad news -- Mo Yang had been injured while on a mission!

... What?!

Upon hearing these words coming out of Ning Yiyuan's mouth, Mo Chu's originally pink and tender face instantly turned deathly pale. She tightly gripped his arm and asked repeatedly, "How's my brother? Will he be alright?"

"Don't be anxious. Perhaps Mo Yang's condition isn't as bad as we thought." Ning Yiyuan had just received the news and did not know much about the specific situation. As such, he could only comfort Mo Chu while speeding up the return journey...