Warmed All Their Hearts!

Child... Life...

No matter what, these two words are an extremely heavy topic...

Looking at the woman who cried on the ground, the other female fans who had already become mothers could not help but turn red-eyed. Even those seven-foot-tall men could not help but turn their faces away!

They had the same feeling!

Because the fertility rate of the Federation was really too low!

Under those cold numbers, there were many lives buried! Those were the children that they had placed infinite hope in!

In the past, many people had welcomed a hope filled with anticipation and ecstasy, but in the end, they could only bear with the pain and watch it leave... That kind of heart-wrenching pain, those who had never been parents would definitely not understand!

It was also because of this that they could understand this mother's sudden outburst of grief.

Because most of them had also experienced this pain…