What Should They Do?

Outside the door.

Elder Ning and Elder Chen were walking side by side.

The expressions on their faces were vastly different.

As for Elder Ning, the wrinkles on his face were squeezed together. He had just received the news that Little Chu's pair of dragon and Phoenix Twins had been successfully born. His heart was filled with joy!

Aiyo! That's great! Their Ning family was finally no longer a one-child family. Furthermore, they had a girl for the first time. Just thinking about it made him feel beautiful!

He turned his head to look at the person beside him. Oh! What was wrong with Elder Chen's expression... it was simply hard to explain! He could not help but ask, "Why do you look so awful? Did something happen?"

Hearing this, Elder Chen could not help but stop in his tracks. His expression was a little strange.