Roundy’s Return!

At the entrance, the black and white Blood Luminescent Beast walked in valiantly, maintaining the imposing manner of a "Magical Region Beast"!

However, when it saw Mo Chu's familiar figure, its posture and demeanor were all thrown into the clouds... 

"Ao ao!" With a fawning howl, Roundy ran towards Mo Chu, its two claws grabbed onto Mo Chu's calf without letting go!

Sob, sob... it was all that hateful human Ning Yiyuan's fault. He left me in the Magical Region and ran away, leaving it separated from Little Chu for almost a year. Thinking about it now, it was a bitter tear!

This kind of behavior was simply too inhumane!

At this moment, Roundy had clearly forgotten the joy it felt when Ning Yiyuan sent it to the Magical Region, crushing the other magical beasts, as well as the delicious Spirit Food that was stuffed into a few pockets…

"Awooo --" Grabbing Mo Chu's calf, Roundy began to sob incessantly, recounting Ning Yiyuan's sins.