
Ning Yiyuan!

The famous Commander Ning of the entire galaxy!

At this moment, he was actually squatting on the ground, acting like a big horse for the two children...

My God, were they really not seeing things?

The reporters opened their mouths wide in surprise, looking at the situation on the floor in disbelief...

They had never expected that Commander Ning, who had always been known for his stern and cold demeanor, would actually be like this in private. It was simply blinding their dog eyes, okay?!

However, this scene was really quite adorable...

The fair and tender little ball was sitting on Commander Ning's shoulder. As Ning Yiyuan walked, their chubby bodies swayed back and forth. His appearance was simply adorable to the point of exploding! That pure little faces were filled with happiness and satisfaction. They were grinning from ear to ear, their eyes narrowing into slits…