
"This… this is delicious. Mama, eat ..."

The child's soft voice was like a thin lotus root that had been pinched. It was crisp and raw, making one's heart soften.

Even though they could not see it, the scene still appeared in their minds: The fair and tender Little Dumplings were currently raising the big bone stick in their hands and were trying to bring it to Mo Chu's mouth. The smile on her face was clean and pure.

"Be good." Mo Chu's gentle voice immediately followed. It was faint but full of concern. "You guys eat, Mommy still has food…"

The voices behind him gradually became softer and softer, and they could no longer be heard clearly. But even so, it was enough to cause a violent impact on the people in the living room!

Wisdom Cloud Galaxy's people were naturally restless. The greed and desire in her heart were like a small sprout that had drunk its fill, pouring out with all its might.