He Couldn’t Afford to Offend Them!

Looking at how both parties were not giving in, Chang Ling's assistant was extremely frightened!

As everyone knew, Chang Ling's bad temper was well-known in the entire industry. Now that she was being looked down upon, she was like a bomb that would explode with a Whoosh!

The assistant's guess was right.

As a matter of fact, Chang Ling suddenly stood up from the sofa when she saw everyone's disgusted gazes in the studio!

Her exquisitely-drawn eyes glanced at the crowd condescendingly and she said arrogantly, "You think you can get me out? Hmph! Let's see if you have the ability to do so!"

As she spoke, Chang Ling raised her wrist slightly and fiddled with the terminal.

What was she doing?

Everyone was still a little confused at first, but soon, the answer was revealed.

A few minutes later, a staff member of the studio ran over, sweating profusely.