Release It First!

The next second.


A loud sound was heard!

Ning Yiyuan, who was still on top of Little Chu, was kicked by her long leg and fell off the big bed without warning!

There was a rare look of confusion on his handsome face.

"Little Chu..." Ning Yiyuan called out softly as he curled up in a corner. He could not help but smile bitterly. This girl's reaction was too big.

He lowered his head and looked at himself. The reaction from his lower body had not faded yet, and the passion in his eyes had not completely dissipated. He looked so embarrassed!

This was not even the most miserable...

Before Ning Yiyuan could react, his daughter had already hit him a few times!

"Bad Daddy! And you're bullying Mommy!"

Raising her chubby little arms and legs, Little Leran pouted and looked serious, as if she wanted to seek justice for her mother.