Extra. Cute Baby (12)

And so, with the broadcast of the show, the topic of 'Ning Yiyuan taking off his pants' instantly became a hot topic on the internet, attracting countless netizens' heated discussions and attention!

Even the show's viewership ratings had increased by a few points!

The staff of Qin Entertainment were happy, but the other entertainment companies were on the verge of tears.

Oh my!

Tell me!

Can't you leave us a way out?

Cute Baby already had a lot of attention, and now you guys are even bringing up a few hot topics from time to time. Are you guys planning to grab the rhythm of the entire internet's viewership ratings?

Regardless of the other industry peers who were biting their handkerchiefs and stomping their feet in hatred, Qin Entertainment's viewership continued to climb. It even broke the record of Mo Chu's reality show back then and set a new number!