Car Crash

A week passed very quickly, and it was almost the wedding day of An Ran and Duan Qun.

An Ran recalled the wedding day of her previous life. Duan Qun had been late. He had been a mess and had had a fishy smell.

Although An Ran had had some doubts, Duan Qun had brushed her off.

Now that she thought about it, it had clearly been the smell of semen!

Duan Qun had gone out and slept with another woman the day before their wedding!

Who had that been?

It had been Tao Ya, of course!

At the thought of this, An Ran hated herself for being so foolish. She had been duped for so long, causing harm to herself and her parents.

She wanted to change all of it in this life!

On this day, An Ran treated Tao Ya quite well at home, as if she had no clue about the affair between her and Duan Qun at all.

After dinner, An Ran read the newspaper on the sofa with a calm facial expression.

Tao Ya saw An Ran sitting there and reading the newspaper attentively. She dropped her work and ran back to her room. Then, she changed her clothes and snuck out.

An Ran saw Tao Ya leaving and guessed that she had gone to meet Duan Qun.

So, An Ran also put on her coat and secretly followed her in the car.

As expected, Tao Ya and Duan Qun met at the hotel entrance. Duan Qun held Tao Ya's waist and entered the hotel.

An Ran could not help but mock herself. Judging by how familiar they were with the hotel when they entered it, they must have been together since a long time ago and had kept her in the dark for so long.

"Since you two enjoy hanging out together so much, I'll fulfill your wish and show everyone your true colors," An Ran said in a low voice.

An Ran got out of the car and followed them into the hotel.

It turned out that Duan Qun had booked a room in this hotel for a fixed long term. Whenever they had a chance, they came here for their secret affair.

An Ran followed them until they entered the room.

She memorized their room number.

"How should I expose them? After all, I can't just barge in." An Ran thought to herself.

Just as An Ran wondered what she should do, she saw a room service staff in front of her and had an idea.

An Ran went out to buy a set of clothes which was the same as the hotel room service staff. Then, she put on a cap and a mask, tied her hair up, and changed her high heels. Now she had the same image as the hotel room service staff.

After changing, An Ran pushed the food cart and arrived at the hotel room with the number she had just memorized.

It was the first time she had ever done something like this, so her palms were sweating.

An Ran pressed the doorbell, but no one answered. After pressing it for a long time, she saw Duan Qun open the door in his pajamas.

"What's the matter? Don't you know this is a private room? I think you want to be complained, is what it is!" Duan Qun said impatiently.

An Ran said in a different voice, "I'm sorry, sir. I'm the hotel room service staff. I'm here to deliver your food."

Duan Qun thought he would definitely be hungry after "working out", so he said, "Then put it down quickly and leave."

"Yes, sir." An Ran pushed the food cart into the room and came out.

Although An Ran did not expose Duan Qun and Tao Ya on the spot, she had installed a mini spy camera on the food cart, and the camera was facing the bed when she left the food cart in the room.

After doing all this, An Ran came out of the hotel in a good mood.

Thinking that she could expose the true colors of the scumbag, she happily hummed a song.

An Ran drove her car home.

On the way home, she felt she was in an elevated mood.


However, she had not expected her car would crash into a black Maybach just as she was about to reach home.

An Ran was stunned, "Seriously? Am I destined to have an unlucky day today?"

The man sitting in the back seat of the Maybach was wearing a custom-made suit and had deep eyes. As he looked at her, his lips curled into a faint smile.

An Ran was speechless. Why was he smiling? His car had been hit!

A moment later, the man's long legs stepped out of the car and approached her step by step.

"Miss, your car has crashed into my car. How do you think we should deal with this?" The man had a deep and pleasant voice.

Why did this voice sound so familiar?

He sounded like…

An Ran did not have time to think about the doubt in her heart. The most important thing now was to resolve this accident.

"Sir, I'm very sorry for crashing into your car. Would you prefer to settle this privately or with the insurance?"

Huo Qing gazed deeply at the woman and said, "I'm fine with a private settlement, but the damage on my car seemed to be very serious. How are you going to compensate me?"

Huo Qing stared at An Ran closely. Somehow An Ran felt that something was not right…