The Two of Them Were Locked Together

An Ran glanced at Huo Qing as fast as lightning.

It was him?!

The President of the Huo Corporate Group, Huo Qing!

Rumor had it that the President of the Huo Corporation was a self-made man who had grasped the lifelines of City A's economy with an iron hand in just a few years. She had thought that he was a tough old man.

She had not expected him to be such a… handsome young man!

The police chief was still apologizing to Huo Qing, saying that they had not taken good care of him.

"It's alright, Chief. No worries. Miss An and I are both responsible for the car accident. I'll do my best to cooperate with the investigation with Miss An."

After saying that, Huo Qing raised his eyebrows, "I guess we won't be able to resolve this matter by today. I can wait at the police station for a night with Miss An until the problem is solved."

The police chief had seen the elephant, so he immediately understood what Huo Qing actually meant.

At this moment, An Ran suddenly said, "Chief, I just accidentally crashed into Mr. Huo's car. If he asks for compensation, I can pay him now, but I can't spend the night at the police station as I'm getting married tomorrow."

The police chief immediately shook his head, "Miss, although it's just a small car accident, we still have to go through the procedures since you've already called the police. Our procedures are very comprehensive, and they will take us at least a night to complete. As for your wedding, you can postpone it."

An Ran was instantly speechless.

The police chief turned to the police officer beside him and said, "This case hasn't been settled yet. Let them stay at the police station today, and we'll take our time to investigate."

An Ran was furious. She thought to herself, "So he has a lot of power and influence, big deal. What a day!"

However, An Ran knew that it would be pointless no matter how she resisted now. She was alone in the police station and had no one else to rely on. Neither could she inform her parents and make them worry, so she could only try to think of a way to get out tomorrow.

The police chief did not stay any longer. Soon, An Ran and Huo Qing were locked in the same room.

An Ran was very angry. She quietly sat far away from Huo Qing and ignored him.

Huo Qing knew that An Ran was in a mood, so he did not say anything. He knew that An Ran did not have a good impression of him now.

He was okay with it. He would rather An Ran hate him than let her marry Duan Qun.

An Ran felt bored as she sat there. She thought of Tao Ya and Duan Qun and the camera she had installed on the food cart in their hotel room. She wondered what was going on there.

At the thought of this, An Ran turned on her phone. As she had connected the camera to her phone, she could see the video captured by the camera through her phone.

However, she did not expect the scene in the video to be so "exciting"!

On the big bed, Duan Qun and Tao Ya were naked. Duan Qun pressed Tao Ya under his body and held her by the waist, going in and out fast…

Tao Ya was hugging Duan Qun's neck, "Qun… Harder… Ah… It's too deep…"

Duan Qun grunted and slapped Tao Ya's butt, "Little vixen, relax! You're too tight!"

"Mm… Ah… Faster… I'm almost there…"

An Ran was so shocked that she quickly turned off the video, but it was already too late. Her phone was on speaker, and the sound had already spread to every corner of the room.

Huo Qing, who was sitting on the other side, turned in An Ran's direction and gave her a meaningful look.

An Ran was extremely embarrassed. She turned her face away, and her face and ears were red. "Someone sent me a prank video, and I clicked on it by mistake! I wasn't watching porn!"

At this moment, she really wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. It was way too embarrassing…

Having seen such a video in front of someone she was not familiar with, An Ran was worried that Huo Qing would think she was a pervert.

Hearing this, Huo Qing did not ask any further questions. Instead, he nodded very seriously and said, "Okay."

"…" An Ran was speechless, and she thought, "If you don't believe me, just say it. Why are you pretending to believe me?!"