Pretending to Be a Dancer

After dealing with the spy, An Ran was so tired that she lay on the sofa.

Looking up at the ceiling, An Ran was thinking about how to make money.

Even if she started working now to make money, she would not be able to make enough to fill the An family's financial hole.

What should she do?

An Ran's eyes caught sight of the evidence that Tao Ya had stolen her jewelry to sell. That's it!

An Ran's parents had bought a lot of jewelry for her as her dowry. Those jewelry were worth tens of millions.

Instead of letting Tao Ya steal and sell them, she might as well sell them herself and use the money as working capital for the An family.

An Ran immediately got up and returned to her room. She rummaged through her three boxes of jewelry and picked out some valuable ones. She planned to auction them off.

After packing up the items that she was going to auction off, An Ran washed up briefly and planned to change into another set of clothes before going to the auction.

She heard there would be an auction at the Pearl Hotel tonight, and all the prestigious people in City A would be attending.

An Ran changed into a dark blue strapless dress. Her long hair reached her waist, and she wore a pearl necklace around her neck. She looked elegant yet playful.

After getting herself ready, An Ran asked her chauffeur to send her to the auction venue.

An Ran only realized that she needed an invitation letter to enter the auction venue tonight when she arrived.

However, the An family had not received an invitation letter due to their recent financial crisis.

An Ran stood at the door and asked the security guard if he could make an exception for her and let her in.

The security guard told An Ran that she could not enter without an invitation letter.

"Heh, isn't this the daughter of the An family, An Ran?"

An Ran heard someone call her name, so she turned around. Then, she realized it was her sworn enemy — Zhao Min, the daughter of the Zhao family.

Zhao Min always enjoyed mocking An Ran, and she always put An Ran down whenever she saw her. Zhao Min's father also owned a company, and it had been developing quite well recently.

Zhao Min saw that An Ran did not have an invitation letter in her hands, so she said on purpose, "What, didn't you receive an invitation letter? I heard that the An family has been having a financial crisis lately. Don't tell me you're going to become a down-and-out lady soon. Hahaha…"

Before An Ran could answer, Zhao Min put her hands on her waist and spoke to An Ran again, "Could you have come here to take advantage of tonight's auction and find a rich man to solve your family crisis? With your current appearance, who would take a liking to you?"

An Ran immediately retorted, "Miss Zhao, why do you care so much? You'd better take care of yourself. Look at your waist. I'm sure you've been eating well recently."

Zhao Min lowered her head and looked at her belly. She quickly retracted her stomach.

"You b*tch, you deserve to be abandoned by your fiancé!"

"You keep repeating the same things. Don't you have anything else to say? You should read more!" An Ran said with disdain.

Zhao Min was just a nouveau riche who bullied the weak and feared the strong.

An Ran ignored Zhao Min and gave her the middle finger.

When Zhao Min saw this, she said, "You… Just you wait!"

"I'm waiting to see you make a fool of yourself!" An Ran retorted.

An Ran watched the people outside entering the venue one by one, but she could only wait anxiously at the door.

She had an idea!

An Ran thought she could go in by pretending to be a flirtatious dancer who was someone's female companion.

An Ran ran to the ladies' room and took out her makeup bag. She put on heavy makeup and a wig and applied false eyelashes. Then she changed into a super sexy short skirt.

An Ran could see herself in the mirror that she had totally changed. She had been gentle and graceful earlier, but now she was charming and sexy.

An Ran returned to the venue entrance and told the security guard that she was here to perform. She pointed at a man at a distance and claimed that she was the man's female companion.

"Miss, please wait a moment. We need to confirm before we can let you in."


An Ran felt like covering her face. It was too awkward.

The man walked closer.

The security guard at the door asked if An Ran was his female companion tonight.

"Are you mistaken? I'm here to auction off jewelry," the man said seriously.

"I'm sorry, sir. I mistook you for someone else," An Ran quickly explained.

The security guard saw that An Ran had mistaken him for someone else and said to her, "Miss, I'm sorry. You still can't go in."

An Ran could only smile awkwardly.