Sharing A Large Bedroom

The next morning, Huo Qing picked up An Ran at her house early and drove her to the airport. His bodyguards and secretary had been waiting at the airport for a long time.

"President Huo, who is this?" Huo Qing's secretary saw An Ran and pulled a long face as if she had some deep hatred toward her.

"This is An Aan, the person in charge of the An Corporate Group. She'll go to City B with us this time." Huo Qing's stern face immediately softened when he saw An Ran.

"Oh, okay." The secretary glared at An Ran's beautiful face, but An Ran did not see it.

Three hours later, the plane finally arrived in City B. As there were only work arrangements the next day, they all went to the hotel to rest first.

Since many people came to City B to travel, and it happened to be New Year's Day, the hotel was full. However, they only found out about that when they arrived at the hotel.

As it was a last-minute business trip to City B, An Ran did not book a hotel room in time.

"President Huo, I only booked a large bedroom for you. Since I didn't know that Miss An was also coming on this business trip, I didn't book a room for her. I just asked the hotel receptionist, and there are no more rooms," the secretary said with a frown.

When An Ran heard that there was no room for her, she did not take it to heart. After all, she was not an employee of the Huo Corporate Group, so it was normal that the staff did not take her into account when making arrangements.

"How about this? I'll find another hotel and you all can stay here. It's late. Please rest early, everyone," An ran said as she carried her luggage and was about to leave.

"Wait, you're staying with me. It's too dangerous for a girl to stay in a hotel alone," Huo Qing finally said after staying silent for a long time.

"No… There's no need. I'm a woman. It's not convenient for me to stay with a man." An Ran felt really awkward at the moment since there were so many people watching.

"Don't worry, the room is big enough, and there's also a sofa." Huo Qing grabbed An Ran's luggage and walked toward his room without waiting for her response, leaving An Ran and a bunch of employees of the Huo Corporate Group stunned on the spot.

The employees wondered if he was still President Huo they had known. They thought, "Wasn't President Huo a clean freak? Did he never live with others?"

An Ran smiled awkwardly and followed Huo Qing.

Huo Qing swiped the room card and opened the door. He walked in first.

After waiting for a while, he realized that An Ran had not come in yet, so he walked to the door and saw her standing there and hesitating.

"Why are you still standing there? It's not like I'm going to eat you up." Huo Qing chuckled softly.

"I'll go in then. It's not like I'm afraid of you either!" An Ran walked into the room and looked around.

Sure enough, the hotel room of the President of a company was different from regular rooms. It was very spacious and had all the necessary facilities. However, there was only one bed.

"Well, how are we going to sleep tonight?" An Ran pointed at the big bed and asked.

Although the bed was big enough, they could not sleep together, after all. There was a sofa, but Huo Qing was almost 1.9 meters tall, so it did not seem to fit his slender body.

"How do you prefer us to sleep? Do you want us to sleep on the big bed together or do you want me to sleep on the sofa?" Huo Qing did not answer An Ran. Instead, he replied to her with more questions.

An Ran thought it would be inappropriate to ask Huo Qing to sleep on the sofa as he was the President, after all. Besides, she almost did not have a place to stay. If it were not for Huo Qing, she might be sleeping on the street right now.

"I'll sleep on the sofa." After saying that, An Ran went to unpack her suitcase and prepared to wash up.

In fact, Huo Qing did not plan to let An Ran sleep on the sofa. How could a man like him let the woman he liked sleep on the sofa?

The sound of running water in the bathroom made Huo Qing feel hot inside, so he loosened his tie.

Soon, An Ran came out of the bathroom after washing up.

An Ran usually had air-conditioning at home, so she never wore much after taking a shower. When she had packed her luggage, she had thought that the hotel should have air-conditioning too, so she brought cool pajamas. However, she had never expected to share a room with Huo Qing. As she had not brought any other pajamas, so she could only wear a black silk sling nightgown.

Huo Qing heard the sound and looked up. He was stunned.

An Ran had really fair skin. She was wearing a sling nightgown. Her hair was wet, and her chest was faintly visible. Her slender arms and fair legs were also exposed. Huo Qing could not take his eyes off her.

"Uh… I only brought this type of nightgowns as I didn't know I'd be sharing a room with you. Don't think about taking any advantage of me!" An Ran said as she covered her chest.

Huo Qing did not reply. He quickly walked past An Ran and went to the bathroom. Then, An Ran heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

She did not think too much about it. She picked up the hairdryer and dried her hair. Then, she sat on the sofa and played on her phone.

By the time Huo Qing came out of the bathroom, she had already fallen asleep on the sofa. Her figure was fully exposed, and her bosoms were so fair…

Huo Qing looked at An Ran, and the heat in his body surged up again.

Huo Qing sighed and carefully carried her onto the bed.

Just as he lay An Ran on the bed, she woke up.